Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Marathon Update #17 (yep still doing this)

As my girls well know, fear shouldn't decide what you experience in life. I'm afraid of this year's run, but i'm gonna run.

to donate to the fight against leukemia please visit:

Well it's been quite some time since my last marathon update, kinda fell off the horse, but I'm back and it's update time again. Seeing as it's been a long time, I'll take a second to go over what and why. I am running the 2011 Los Angeles Marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). For those who don't know what LLS does, to put it simply they help dying children.

So now that the what and why is out of the way, time for the update. So I am a little over 2 months away from the event and I am nowhere near ready in any way. For those who remember when I started training for this year I made two critical strategic changes from last year. The first was to not do any long runs to save my body, which got extremely fatigued and worn down during training last year. The second was to fundraise by getting 500 people to donate $5 each, the emphasis being on spreading awareness of the fight against Leukemia. Well 2 months away from the marathon I am far far behind on both accounts.

The training: Well this area I'm really struggling with. I started my training with my body not feeling great. I worked hard on increasing my speed on short runs and put in a few 5k runs to keep it fun. During the training as my body started to feel not so good, I decided to slow down on the training and wait to feel better so I could hit it hard when I felt better. That was about 10 weeks ago, and now I'm here with my body feeling far worse than it ever did during last training season, and nothing but a couple of 5ks under my belt in the last 10 weeks. Now I'm at the point where I can't wait to feel better I just have to start training. So injuries and pain be dammed I will at least get some miles behind me, (tried running for the first time in a couple weeks last night only to re-injure my ridiculously painful left calf) and hopefully get one half marathon in before the big day.

The fundraising: So this one I'm gonna need help. The idea is to have 500 people donate $5. It's a great cause, and it only takes a few minutes (website is: ). Please spread the word, my non F'book marathon update blog is at: . Leukemia is the #1 cancer killer in children and the LLS helps in research for treatments that help people survive and fight the battle in a less painful manner. For those who don't know some of the Leukemia treatments are very, very, very painful. I am still afraid of some of them, so I can't imagine how hard it must be for a 5 year old to comprehend why they have to endure such things. Also I just lost another friend to the disease. The man who challenged me to run, and who I challenged to stick around long enough to see his daughter take her first steps, and say "dada" lost his battle. But he fought in a way that will make his daughter proud, when she is old enough to hear about his courage. He was given only a brief time by his doctors and outlived their predictions by months.

I will do a better job going forward to get these updates out regularly and my body be dammed I will train. Please leave comments. This year is going to be much, much more difficult and your support means more than you can imagine.

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